Introducing the KILOBU

KILOBU stands for Kingdom Love Builders, a collective of individuals unified in building a world with a marketplace and society that embodies the love for one another, just as God so loved the world and gave us Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We are building a colony of love, love that cover every community around the world.

Learning from the Ant Colony

The term 'ant colony' refers to a harmonious community of workers, reproductive individuals, and brood that cooperate and coexist peacefully, often descended from a single queen. The average colony comprises:

- 100,000 to 500,000 workers
- Several hundred winged forms and queens

Queen ants can live up to 7 years or more, while worker ants typically live around 5 weeks, although some may survive longer. The primary goal of an ant colony is to thrive and reproduce, achieved through highly organized societies that function like a single organism or 'superorganism.'

What is a KUM Colony?

A KUM Colony is a collaborative community within the KILOBU Unified Marketplace (KUM) that brings together individuals from diverse fields to build multiple income streams. Led by a trained founder, these highly organized and goal-driven individuals strive for economic stability and social development. By unifying producers, manufacturers, farmers, retailers, and consumers in a single marketplace, KUM promotes sustainable growth. With expert support in various fields and specialized training for the founder through the Ant-Network of Colonies, KUM Colonies are equipped for success. Our mission is to create a prosperous marketplace that benefits all members, regardless of their location.

What is the goal of a KUM Colony?

They collaborate towards a shared vision of socioeconomic progress and growth, united in their pursuit of survival and prosperity in diverse economic conditions, both within their community and nation. Through cooperative efforts, they strive to create pathways to wealth and financial security for all colony members. Additionally, they prioritize training and employment opportunities for members and their recommended relatives in every project undertaken by the colony, fostering a culture of inclusivity and collective success.

The Unified-Marketplace

The global economy is fueled by cash flow transactions. If people cease to transact, markets worldwide would plummet. The wealth of billionaires is generated by the daily economic activities of ordinary individuals in the marketplace. Cash flows from every corner of the globe, even in the smallest villages, where transactions occur daily. Money is omnipresent. Observing local communities reveals constant transactions, and the direction of cash flow determines where wealth accumulates and who holds it.

With the current global population, every individual in every community and country should be able to meet their basic needs. The sheer volume of transactions worldwide is sufficient to ensure no community or country lacks the resources for basic human sustainability. There's no inherent reason why developed countries excel while developing countries struggle to thrive. Similarly, within a country, there's no insurmountable gap between developed and developing communities. Our mission is to empower developing communities to retain and harness their local cash flows, fostering sustainable development and self-sufficiency.


Mr. Fred Ngeri, have created the KILOBU Unified Marketplace to revolutionize the way wealth flows across the globe. My vision is to empower communities in developing countries to retain their hard-earned cash and foster sustainable economic growth. This innovative platform connects small businesses and farmers to local, national, continental, and global marketplaces, ensuring inclusive economic development. By unifying marketplaces, we can rebalance the flow of daily cash transactions and build wealth within communities. Through the Green Transaction Centres, we're committed to retaining wealth locally, rather than seeing it flow into the coffers of billionaires. Together, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

At KILOBU Unified Marketplace, our mission is to empower and serve our communities. Over the past 18 years, we have successfully trained thousands of small businesses, cooperatives, and individuals to make a positive impact in their communities. In partnership with CMART, SOLECTRIC, and their associates, we are excited to offer direct access to our Unified Marketplace, where every participant can thrive. This innovative platform enables individuals, small businesses, cooperatives, and stokvels to buy together and achieve guaranteed success every year. Our cashflow sharing participation program is unparalleled, ensuring everyone benefits. Furthermore, we have secured a Master Franchise Agreement with Solectric Energy, enabling communities to power themselves. Together, we will tap into national retail and service cash flows, driving prosperity for all. Join us by filling out the form below and let's 'Build Together and Prosper'!

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